Wednesday, January 2, 2008


You may ask or may not care why I named the blog TML [Teckie-Music Life].

It's because, these are my top 3 interests.
1. Teckie - I'm a teckie person. I love technology, I love laptops, computers, ipods, mp3s, programming, websites, web development, robotics, artificial it. There's just a myriad of potential on technology. And it's up to us whether we will use it for the good of mankind or for selfish benefit.

2. Music - I love music. I am a church musician. I admit that I have a lot to learn - Lots and lots of learning. But I'm willing to learn every music one step at a time. I play basic keyboard, guitar, and even bass guitar. I am a frustrated drummer, but I won't give up learning that stuff. Music is cool. Music soothes the tired soul. Music is a bestfriend to solitary people, socialist people, happy people, sad people, etc... Music also, and most importantly, is one of the greatest tools that's used to connect to God our Creator. Music also connects us to other people. "Hey, Rakista ka ba? Ako rin e! Astig ka pare." See? Nag connect e. (LOL)

3. Life - like the rest of HUMAN BEINGS, we all have a say on life. What is life? What's it all about? How can I maximize it? How can I gain more happiness in this life? There's just so many questions. Together, let's unravel the mystery of life. We'll never cease discovering it.

Getting Started

This is the very first article on my very first blog. I am not really fond of creating blogs or online profiles [friendster,multiply..and the like]. My friendster account may have several designs, but it took me years before I gained the effort of improving my profile. My multiply account's interface is the twin brother of "boring". I really have no interest.

I created this blog just to have a feeling of relief, where in you can pour out all your random thoughts and lousy interests. I will understand if you'll find this blog boring. Because, as I said, I intended to create this blog just for pouring out my thoughts.

Anyway, I hope I'll have a lot to say on this blog in the coming days, weeks, and months...

Happy New Year everyone.. :)